We are here to help you change towards the best version of yourself

Our Mission

Welcome to UPT CrossFit, your ultimate fitness destination in the heart of Montreal. Together, since 2013, we have supported each other, motivated each other and celebrated each other's successes. Your journey is our journey.

We pride ourselves on offering you an exceptional fitness experience, with a diverse range of classes from CrossFit to gymnastics and Olympic weightlifting. We also offer personal training sessions, whether individually or in small groups, to offer you personalized support adapted to your needs.

At UPT, the training is demanding, the community is supportive and the atmosphere is warm. Our goal is to create an open, welcoming and inclusive space: a place where everyone can feel at home.



We believe in the power of community. When you walk through our doors, you become part of the UPT CrossFit family. Since 2013, together, we support, motivate, and celebrate each other's successes. Your journey is our journey.


We are passionate about fitness in all its forms, both physical and mental. Our mission is to help you become stronger not only physically but also mentally. We are here to assist you in reaching your full potential while developing mental resilience that will enable you to overcome life's challenges.


Your well-being is our top priority. We prioritize safety above all else, ensuring that every aspect of your training experience is guided by best practices and expert supervision. You can rely on us to provide a safe and conducive environment for your fitness journey.

Functionnal Training

We advocate for a healthy lifestyle beyond the gym. We believe that fitness is not just a workout; it's a way of life. Our approach to functional training aims to enhance your daily activities and promote overall well-being, both inside and outside the gym.


Book a free consultation today so we can learn more about you, your goals and how we can help you achieve them.


Starting a new fitness program can be intimidating. Our team will take care of you and make you feel comfortable from the start!

COACH - owner

Emiliano Morales


- CrossFit Level 2 Certificate

- CrossFit Gymnastics Specialty Certificate

- CrossFit Competitor Specialty Certificate

About Emiliano

Meet Emiliano, the head-coach and co-owner of our gym. With a background in competitive swimming, Emiliano excelled as a proud alumnus of McGill University's varsity swim team.

Emiliano is not just a swimmer, he's a passionate fitness enthusiast with a solid foundation in CrossFit and Gymnastics. Holding several CrossFit certifications, he showcases his unwavering commitment to excellence and dedication to the fitness industry.

What truly sets Emiliano apart is his exceptional patience, an unwavering dedication to the quality of movement, and his unique ability to tailor workouts to suit individuals at any fitness level. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, Emiliano is the guide you've been searching for to help you reach your goals.

Emiliano is a fitness competitor at heart, always aiming for perfection. With more than 6 years of coaching experience, his great attention to detail ensures that every aspect of your training is optimized for success. He's also known for his love of country music and an impressive collection of dad jokes, which adds a touch of humor and fun to your fitness journey : YeeHaw!

Join Emiliano in your fitness journey and experience a personalized and detail-oriented approach to achieving your fitness aspirations today!

COACh - owner

Marc Maillet

Certifications :

- CrossFit Level 2 Certificate

About Marc

Meet Marc, outstanding coach and co-owner. With a CrossFit Level 2 Certificate and over 10 years of coaching experience, Marc brings a wealth of expertise in coaching individuals of all skill levels and age groups. He excels in instilling the importance of health and fitness in people, making a positive impact on their lives.

Marc knows how to help and motivate both newbies starting their fitness journey and advanced athletes at higher levels. His energy is strongly contagious, keeping everyone enthusiastic throughout their fitness journey.

Around UPT, Marc is appreciated for his high-energy classes that keep you motivated throughout your session. Not only is he an exceptional coach, but he's also known for his dance moves that can brighten up anyone's day.

Marc's passion lies in lifting heavy weights and conquering the golf course. His enthusiasm and dedication to fitness are infectious, making every workout session an enjoyable experience.

Join Marc in your fitness journey today and experience the difference!


Jack Natovitch

Certifications :

- Competition-Introduction Quebec Weightlifting Federation

About Jack

Meet Jack, our weightlifting coach. Jack’s fitness journey began during his teenage years as he pursued a path to get in shape. His passion for Olympic weightlifting was ignited when he witnessed the remarkable achievements of athletes from that era.

As a coach, Jack has made a substantial impact. He has played a pivotal role in assisting numerous individuals in their journey to achieve their goals in Olympic weightlifting while gaining strength. Notably, he has trained several individuals who have secured medals in provincial-level competitions, showcasing his coaching expertise.

Whether you're embarking on your Olympic weightlifting journey as a complete novice or you're an experienced weightlifter looking to reach new heights, we invite you to meet Jack at one of our weightlifting sessions. It's the perfect opportunity to discuss your aspirations and begin your voyage toward reaching the next level in Olympic weightlifting.

Join Jack and allow him to guide you towards your path of strength and success in the world of Olympic weightlifting !


Neyla Bouayad

Certifications :

- CrossFit Level 2 Certificate

- PN Level 1 Nutrition Certification

About Neyla

Meet Neyla, our dedicated CrossFit and Nutrition Coach. Neyla's own fitness journey began with a remarkable personal transformation, shedding more than 30 pounds after making a conscious decision to take control of her life. Her journey is a testament to her passion for health and well-being.

Neyla holds certificates in both nutrition and CrossFit, reflecting her commitment to helping others achieve their fitness and wellness goals. Neyla is also a strong advocate of inclusivity in CrossFit : she firmly believes that fitness is for everyone, and she's driven to share this belief with others.

Neyla is known for her incredible playlists and enjoyable warm-up routines, making every fitness session a joyful experience. She loves the challenge of tailoring workouts to suit the needs of individuals, ensuring that scaling options are available for anyone needing to adjust.

Join Neyla on your journey to improved well-being and personal growth through fitness!


Book A Free Consult

Join a community of people committed to your success

Meet A Coach And Make A Personalized Plan

Benefit from a personalized program adapted to your needs

Start Your Training And See The Results

Become Stronger, Healthier and Simply Happier


Our team will be able to advise you on how to achieve your goals, with pleasure and without complexes!

Why put off until tomorrow what you can start today? The hardest part will be done, which is just getting started!

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